Alhamdulillah, mom n dad arrived safely last saturday.
will be going back to malaysia on the 5th of January... huwaaa~ (T_T)
dis time pnyer trip... hurm, i'll story mory next time k??
juz wanna highlight dis one thing yg disebut n diperingat tiap2 hari semenjak mama n abah dtg.
mende nieh bukanla mende baru n sumer org pon tau, cuma kadang2 kita atau lebih tepat, SAYA, alpa n lupa akan hal nieh...
i need my 'VITAMINS'.
desperately need them.
thank God my 'VITAMINS' r coming next week.
Eventhough not all my vitamins r coming, my vitamin A n vitamin M will do enough hopefully, for me to bounce back.
vitamin Abah & vitamin Mama.
p/s: hope they get well soon, and hopefully perjlnan semua lancar, amin...
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