
Short update

Written by Atishoo86 0 comments Posted in: , ,

Fuhhh fuhhh~~~ (blowing away the dust)
1 year ++, that's how long i abandoned this beloved blog of mine...
Let's recap what have been going on in my life all this while...

1) I got married
- that's not new... hurm... pass! :P

2) The loss
- We loss our beloved grandma and uncle which i still can feel their presence until now. Rest in peace and may Allah grant them the best place in Jannah, amin. Al-Fatihah :'(

3) New Life
- I got a new niece, Sufiyya! She's now 6 mths old, pictures to come later

4) Long Distance Marriage
- After i got married, it has been a commute marriage all the way since then, because hubby was in Perlis and me, living here in Shah Alam. But on 05.10.2013, hubby departed for Japan to continue his PHD there, which means now we are back to LDR like previously. Alhamdulillah thanks to technology, we doesn't really feel that we're far apart, except missing each other's presence physically. And thanks to our experience that we're quite used to this.

5) Resignation
- My last employement date in BASF will be on 31.12.2013 (yes, means i will miss the bonus...sobs)

That's all for now~ またね~


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