Fuhhh fuhhh~~~ (blowing away the dust)
1 year ++, that's how long i abandoned this beloved blog of mine...
Let's recap what have been going on in my life all this while...
1) I got married
- that's not new... hurm... pass! :P
2) The loss
- We loss our beloved grandma and uncle which i still can feel their presence until now. Rest in peace and may Allah grant them the best place in Jannah, amin. Al-Fatihah :'(
3) New Life
- I got a new niece, Sufiyya! She's now 6 mths old, pictures to come later
4) Long Distance Marriage
- After i got married, it has been a commute marriage all the way since then, because hubby was in Perlis and me, living here in Shah Alam. But on 05.10.2013, hubby departed...
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Hi Blog,
Today's entry is about my make-up masa nikah.
I choose Sue Cantik as my MUA for both solemnization and reception.
And i dont regret it at all!
Mula2, i nak ambil Kak Liza, since akak and my cousin Kak Shima ambil Kak Liza ms wedding dorg, and hasilnya amatttla memuaskann!!
But somehow dr awal lg, rs nak amik org MUA lain. I was thinking of a few choices:
- Sue Cantik
- Amy Janz
- Ayangkamell
- Ian Sham
- Kak Liza
- Aleng Tohara
- Eleena Lamat
Then i cut down the list to a few only and asked for quotations. Generally the price is almost the same, plus minus RM100-200 from the average.
All in all, in the end i just follow my heart,...
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Hello My Blog!!
Long time no write. Last time i wrote was when i felt sooo frustrated and very sad, but thank God this time i want to write, just because i feel like writing, no other reasons.
Alhamdulillah, i got married in a very blissful wedding. Thank you Thank you Thank you dear family members for the support and help. Without ur help the wedding is literally impossible to happen.
Also to my besties, Norq and Mimi, thank you for helping us as well! luv u lots!!
Now, let me talk about my work transition...
I already resigned from my previous company, Rohm, and currently working in BASC (basically the shared service center for BASF in...
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Written by Atishoo86
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i'm back, and this time for good!!yehuuuuuu~~~~~~Alhamdulillah, graduated on 23rd March 2011!!So skrg, bz job hunting, moga2 dpt kerja yg bersesuaian, aminnnn~doakan saya dpt kerja cpt yer!!tembam desyou!! haih, yabai2, ダイエットしないとね。...
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Written by Atishoo86
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x sukanya menyusahkan org... huwaa... x suka... x suka...rs berslhnya..... xtau nak ckp cmna... T_Tnih yg x suka bila pnjam brg org... sob3... dou shiyou......
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uhuk2~ bersawang gila blog chan~ wuuuoh yer, dah tamat dah kenkyu and slamat dah final presentation on the 20th of dec aitu.skrg tgh internship kat NTT atsugi, kanagawa prefecture, near tokyo.byknyer nak citer, tp dah dkt pkol 2 pg! yabai, klo xtdo skrg tkt bsok letih/nebou.syakaijin (konon) ni natte kara, plg lambat tdo pon pkol 11.30, nih dah tlebih time sgt dah nih... hehebrt skrg sgtttt yabai... naek byk giler akibat stress kenkyu + exam yg byk giler arituh...then igt dah stat internship bleyhla nak dietto, tup2 dtg cnie, mkn pnya la sdp, pastuh ramai mmber plak kat cnie... everyweek kluar... biler kluar sah2 makan best2~plus, dah malas...
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Written by Atishoo86
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in the middle siapkan abstract utk thesis... ketandusan idea... usha2 blog kwn2, ada plak kne tag.lama dah xlyn tagged game nih, tp demi kohai bernama nigou nih saya watla jgak... wpon dah pnah wat sblm nih... haha... bleyh jgak smbil2 release tension...25 things u shud know bout me...aish... saya pon xtau sgt psl diri sndri, so saya campur adukkan dgn apa yg org len pnah ckp psl saya...1- Fullname: Nur Aisha binti Abd Kadir... sila lihat ejaan 'Aisha' tuh... bukan aisyah or aishah ok??2- anak bongsu, tp slalu mmpunyai keinginan nk rs jadi anak sulung. cam best sbb dpt kuasa veto dlm adik beradik. muahahaha3- hati lembut kot, and agak penyayang. muahahaha~4- akibat ringan mulut, slalu ckp tanpa...
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Written by Atishoo86
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abah demam... abah jrg saket/dmm, so biler skali dmm trok lah jgak... risau nih...nihla reason why i wanna finished my study a.s.a.p, now that akak is living in Jeddah, i just wanna go back to malaysia quickly, and look after my parents.plus compared to akak, i'm the who has been away from home for a long time, so i feel useless and helpless that i cant look after them well.my heart sank when i heard abah and mama went to the hosp all by themselves, with abah driving eventhough he's not feeling well.i wanna be there for them..... mama and abah are always like, "xdak apa2 pon... dun worry lah... ok ja..." but..... yelah kan, sure as anak kita rs xsedap jgak kan??Ya Allah please let me pass all...
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