Fuhhh fuhhh~~~ (blowing away the dust)
1 year ++, that's how long i abandoned this beloved blog of mine...
Let's recap what have been going on in my life all this while...
1) I got married
- that's not new... hurm... pass! :P
2) The loss
- We loss our beloved grandma and uncle which i still can feel their presence until now. Rest in peace and may Allah grant them the best place in Jannah, amin. Al-Fatihah :'(
3) New Life
- I got a new niece, Sufiyya! She's now 6 mths old, pictures to come later
4) Long Distance Marriage
- After i got married, it has been a commute marriage all the way since then, because hubby was in Perlis and me, living here in Shah Alam. But on 05.10.2013, hubby departed for Japan to continue his PHD there, which means now we are back to LDR like previously. Alhamdulillah thanks to technology, we doesn't really feel that we're far apart, except missing each other's presence physically. And thanks to our experience that we're quite used to this.
5) Resignation
- My last employement date in BASF will be on 31.12.2013 (yes, means i will miss the bonus...sobs)
That's all for now~ またね~
Hi Blog,
Today's entry is about my make-up masa nikah.
I choose Sue Cantik as my MUA for both solemnization and reception.
And i dont regret it at all!
Mula2, i nak ambil Kak Liza, since akak and my cousin Kak Shima ambil Kak Liza ms wedding dorg, and hasilnya amatttla memuaskann!!
But somehow dr awal lg, rs nak amik org MUA lain. I was thinking of a few choices:
- Sue Cantik
- Amy Janz
- Ayangkamell
- Ian Sham
- Kak Liza
- Aleng Tohara
- Eleena Lamat
Then i cut down the list to a few only and asked for quotations. Generally the price is almost the same, plus minus RM100-200 from the average.
All in all, in the end i just follow my heart, and booked Sue Cantik.
I was kind of skeptical, because all along only his assistant, Abg Wan contacted me.
Abg Wan was very nice, and very professional. But i didnt know about Sue Cantik.
So i get the feeling that he's a pro, which is good, but maybe because he's used to have client among the glamour2 and classy2 ppl only, he dont want to contact the lekeh2 one like me?
However, from others' testimonial, i found that he's warm and professional. So i keep my mind positive.
But few weeks before wedding, only then i learned that Sue Cantik do not provide accesories, unlike Kak Liza! (other MUA, i didnt ask, so not sure)
Dang! but xperla... since Mama bought some and Abg Halim (pelamin) can provide some as well.
Finally, the solemnization day came! and kelam kabutnyaaa..... hurmmm (i cerita in another entry lah, too long! haha)
Then around 2:30, i got a call from Abg Wan, diorg dah dkt sampai.
So, i sambutla diorg since suma org xder kat dpn, semua kat dapur, merata2.
My heart was at ease since Sue Cantik approached me first in a very friendly, and very warm way.
Sue is very talkative and cant stop talking on how he adores the seni2 kayu, wallpaper, and etc, and she said that my mom's taste meets his.
So Sue pon mula la mekap, as u know that Sue is indeed a 'he', so he offers to put on gloves, if u want him too.
So Sue starts what he does best, make up and talking. Sue is very funny, and abg Wan as well!
So many stories (and gosip2 artis) they shared, and what can i say, they really make me feel good.
I'm so thankful that Sue is not one kind of MUA that complaint2 and tegur2 ur kulit etc.
Dia only say good things about you, and btul ker tak i dun care, as long as he makes me feel good.
Then came the photographers and videographers, which they happened to know each other well since they always work together for wedding occasions.
So, campur2 dgn budak2 nakal yg suka mengusik Sue and Abg Wan, maka happening sgtla dlm bilik tuh!
Now... balik cerita make-up
1) Sue make up, lgsung xrs mcm dier tgh make up, sbb die mcm raba2 ur muka jer, xmcm tonyoh2 the base, foundations all that.
2) Dia byk guna jari to blend, and sponge of course, for base and contouring.
3) Rs mcm light jer, wpon tebal sbnrnya, maybe because Sue's using a good range of quality products.
4) Main product Sue used for base is Shu Uemura
5) If u're interested in make-up, ask anything, Sue is kind enough to share any technic, and DO's and DON'T's in make-up.
6) For foundation, and make-up, Sue campur2, Mac, Dior, apatah lg.
7) Eye make-up, Sue apply pakai jari jer! hurm... cantik plak tuh, cuma part blending dia pki brush
8) Mmg rs best Sue make-up sebab rs light jer
9) make-up thn lama, and dia ada provide sponge yg disapu bedak utk pengapit touch-up pengantin.
10) Sue's pnye beg make-up penuh 1 LV luggage tuh (tgk rs geram jer...!).siap tggal lg kat bilik i sbb dia dah xder job after make-up i, and siap pesan, kalo nak bukak tgk2 and pakai, pakai jer lah... mak aihh... tp, xkan nak bukak kot kan....
11) Sue respects clients request not to trim the eyebrows. As for my case, before i ckp, Sue dah mentioned that he wont trim my eyebrows. Lega den. Sbb bukan apa, kdg2 i dgr ader yg mintak xnak cukur, but the MUA insist jgak nak cukur, xsyok aa kan...?
From my experience apa yg i boleh simpulkan, ms nak memilih MUA nih:
1) Choose yg mana style of make-up yg u berkenan
2) Check dulu testimonials ex-brides
3) Follow ur heart and instinct
4) Last but not least, i realize that MUA plays a VERY2 important part of ur wedding. Firstly, of course sbb you wanna look the best that day, secondly is they play an important role as mood maker, so in short --> TRY TO FIND A NICE AND WARM ONE!!
So, Alhamdulillah i decided to go with Sue Cantik, overall sgt2 puas hati.
p/s: Sape nak contact no Sue, bleh google or ask me. (^^)
Here are few pics for Solemnization make-up. Reception's will be in the next entry!
Jgn muntah suma muka i! hehe
Siap tlg pkikan kasut rs... Hidup Sue Cantik!! hehe |
Hello My Blog!!
Long time no write. Last time i wrote was when i felt sooo frustrated and very sad, but thank God this time i want to write, just because i feel like writing, no other reasons.
Alhamdulillah, i got married in a very blissful wedding. Thank you Thank you Thank you dear family members for the support and help. Without ur help the wedding is literally impossible to happen.
Also to my besties, Norq and Mimi, thank you for helping us as well! luv u lots!!
Now, let me talk about my work transition...
I already resigned from my previous company, Rohm, and currently working in BASC (basically the shared service center for BASF in Asia Pac region).
I havent start hands-on job yet, and still undergoing the fuctional trainings.
Too much difference to be compared, either, jobscope-wise or company-wise (broken English, i dun care).
Previous company was a Japan co. and BASF is a German co.
Working environment : totally different. From what i'm seeing, i'm loving my current co's working environment.
Employers: Current co. cares about their employees more. Lots of benefits and rewards. Still early to say this, but from what i see, at least when there r so many benefits and self-enhancement you can gain from your work, at least you dont feel like u're doing the works for others. x rs mcm kuli sgt la...
Jobscope: Different but similar in a way. Same: Dealing with customer. Different: I dont have to go out to customers anymore. Lost my flexi time to sggah2 rumah or bank ms kerje or *cough*window shopping*cough*... hihi
Now about Rohm...(btw i really miss Rohm)
Previous job needs me to go here and there to meet customer, 平均的にonly 30% of my daily working time spent at the office, doing paperworks and stuffs. So, at the end of the day, i never feel bored since i dont even have time to feel bored! haha and of course resulted to physical and mental exhaust. And dont even start to talk about stress... what do u assume u'll feel if you often get calls tgh2 malam, and pg2 buta? Also, on the Hari Raya? Calls from customer marah2, jerit2 and kutuk2 you. And having your fiance (at that time) came all the way from jauh2 just to spent the weekend helping u collecting stocks from forwarders and delivering them to customers.
But now i can say that it was all great experience. (Tp time tuh and lps2 tuh keje dok ngutuk jer sbb bengang! haha)
Whatever it is i'm very proud of myself since i gain so many acquaintances and so many experiences handling different problems. At first i was very very tough. But after that i really start enjoying my work.
In Rohm as well, since our office only consists of 20 ppl, we have great understanding and work very well with each other. Entering a company where 80% of the staffs are Chinese, i felt very skeptical, "will they be okay with me?" "will they accept me as their new salesperson?" "can they give good cooperation?" " will they bear with me since i'm new?" "will they willing to teach me?"
The answer is "YES", a big YES. They are somehow very helpful, and very caring. i really love my colleagues there. of course in a beautiful flower garden, there's gonna be ulat2 right? But ulat2 aside, everyone is very nice. (i miss them... T_T)
About BASC...
Will have to wait for few months first, then only i can give my thoughts on colleagues and my work! (^^)
Hopefully, i will enjoy this environment and job! Aminn...
Think i will start writing again from now on... hihi...
Since i'm still in a newly-wed mood (eventhough it has been 2++ mths), i'm gonna paste my wed pic at the end of this post.
Please bear with me! haha
i'm back, and this time for good!!
Alhamdulillah, graduated on 23rd March 2011!!
So skrg, bz job hunting, moga2 dpt kerja yg bersesuaian, aminnnn~
doakan saya dpt kerja cpt yer!!tembam desyou!! haih, yabai2, ダイエットしないとね。。。
x sukanya menyusahkan org... huwaa... x suka... x suka...
rs berslhnya..... xtau nak ckp cmna... T_T
nih yg x suka bila pnjam brg org... sob3... dou shiyou.....
uhuk2~ bersawang gila blog chan~ wuuu
oh yer, dah tamat dah kenkyu and slamat dah final presentation on the 20th of dec aitu.
skrg tgh internship kat NTT atsugi, kanagawa prefecture, near tokyo.
byknyer nak citer, tp dah dkt pkol 2 pg! yabai, klo xtdo skrg tkt bsok letih/nebou.
syakaijin (konon) ni natte kara, plg lambat tdo pon pkol 11.30, nih dah tlebih time sgt dah nih... hehe
brt skrg sgtttt yabai... naek byk giler akibat stress kenkyu + exam yg byk giler arituh...
then igt dah stat internship bleyhla nak dietto, tup2 dtg cnie, mkn pnya la sdp, pastuh ramai mmber plak kat cnie... everyweek kluar... biler kluar sah2 makan best2~
plus, dah malas giler nak workout skrg...
sob3... (T_T)
tips anyone?? please...
in the middle siapkan abstract utk thesis... ketandusan idea... usha2 blog kwn2, ada plak kne tag.
abah demam... abah jrg saket/dmm, so biler skali dmm trok lah jgak... risau nih...
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