
Wat to do...??

Written by Atishoo86 5 comments Posted in:

Utusan Malaysia:
"Wanita dibunuh depan suami"
New Straits Times:
"Two slashed in parang attack"

sigh...sigh..... a long sigh.....Malaysia was known for its harmony, multi-racial country...i repeat...harmony. but all dat we can see around us nowadays are violence, violence, and violence. it's hard for me to even have the strength to read the newspapers. very sickening to read most of the headlines (beside the political subject) got to do wif violence n crime.
i remember when i was a child, i used to go to az enterprise (kedai runcit la) by myself or wif my sister to buy chocolates etc. of course everybody goes to kedai too kan?it's not anything strange. but i always wonder if it's ok for kids to go to kedai or anywhere else by themselves these days.(note: nurul huda, nur shuhada, nurin jazlin). bkn jer kids, even me as an adult pon i never feel safe whenever i'm out on my own. wat happen to Malaysia? too many crimes. apa la sgt value nyawa... nyawa macam da x berharga dah. juz imagine tgh dok sdp2 makan kat gerai pon ada org bleyh dtg kelar leher.wat da....? wat can we do to change all these scenarios..?? it needs to be changed. it has to!! i cant help being worried too much of my family kat malaysia. Anything...as in ANYTHING can happen...*sigh* Although it seems hopeless, i'm still hoping there's sumthing we can do to change things...Ya Allah...

p/s: i hope the poilitcal stuffs can be put aside, and they juz focus on making Malaysia a safe country like it used to be.*sigh*


  1. zinnia-lyana

    siries x paham ngan org2 kejam cmtu kan. haih2 x berperikemanusiaan langsung. kalo jahat skalipun jahat sorang2 dah la. ni suma org dia nk bunuh,bakar,rape,cincang,suma..huh aku kdg2 emo betul bila bc brita.sedih gile esp when it comes to culik n bunuh budak2..huh.

    October 21, 2008 at 3:34 PM
  2. Anonymous

    takuttttttt....tp nk balik Msia selalu jgk...hihii...wut to do then???? hahaha...
    kite doa2 je org sekeliling kite selamat.insyaAllah.....dan org yg melakukan kekejaman itu patut dihapuskan!!!!!!!!!!

    October 21, 2008 at 5:51 PM
  3. Atishoo86

    ntahnya, i tensen gla bc paper pasai menda2 nieh.stress2!!huhu.maji weyh, rs xslamat ja memanjang.huh.tp yala, malaysia tumpah darahku. camana pon kalo bleyh nak slalu balik msia jyan.huhu. doa shika dekinai ne.InsyaAllah...

    October 22, 2008 at 12:39 AM
  4. Ahmad Amzar

    well,i think,among the very first steps to reduce the crime,is to strengthen the education system first..x kisah la pendidikan Islam ke moral ke,a review needs to be done..then bg kuasa mendisiplin pelajar kat cikgu..ni tak,baru rotan skit dah nak masuk paper..last2,skrg bdk pulak yg tendang cikgu..haru2

    October 22, 2008 at 7:21 PM
  5. Atishoo86

    hurm. dats another thing yg aku mmg la xphm. bdak2 skrg da kurg ajar. kan?? aku bc blog kwn aku who's working as a teacher kot kat skolah maner ntah...masyaAllah...rs cdeyh gle dgn thp biadap nyer bdak2 tuh.ish. kalo complaint kat parents, kang cikgu jgak yg dislhkan.haih. hrp2 semua nieh dijauhkan la dr terjadi kat family kite kan?? kurg ajaran agama kanaa...?? isnt being polite bla2 sume tuh supposed to be our rules of life??haihh. sigh...sigh...and sigh lagi...

    October 23, 2008 at 4:09 AM

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