pening tengok tulisan2 jepun dlm textbook nieh.
maka dgn ini sy nak rehatkan minda dgn menulis blog.
1st of all, dikala ke'pressure'an blaja, i've received make-ups dat i ordered, jeng3...
yerp, it's da 10 blushers palette, 88 ultra shimmer eyeshadow palette, and also 66 lip palette. also bought a gel eyeliner from coastal scents.
a bit review on-->
10 blushers: havent try it yet.
88 ultra shimmer eyeshadow: different from the 88 matte eyeshadow palette, these colours give you a highly pigmented results, without even have to use the eyeshadow primer@base. so basically, i like dis palette so much. only tried a few colors, soo looking forward to try other colours rite after the xm has finished.
66 lip palette: simply liking dis palette because i can mix n match. eventhough there r some colors dat i think i'll never ever use, except maybe for a halloween party, but who knows if the blues blend well with the pinks@reds!! some r matte, n some r shimmer. for short, i luv dis palette.
gel eyeliner: not so creamy, just tried it on juz now. liking da result for the time being. dont noe how long it'll last without smudging@creasing... so, we'll see.
next, a Q&A sessions. hehe. these r actually questions dat had been asked to me from my friends. some of them asked me to do an entry for their questions. but i dun actually hv the exact answers to explain in detail. huhu
mana lg elok aa, gel eyeliners ker pencil eyeliner ker liquid eyeliner??
huhu... saye x tau lah... depend kot. kalo sy suke pki gel eyeliner, which applied using brush. tp utk waterline(bawah mata tuh) application, i'll use pencil eyeliner. liquid tuh xtaulah, ramai org pakai tp saya x pki sbb tangan ketar2 so nanti comot. huhu
lagu kat blog ko tajuk per? lagu jepun ker?
tak2, lagu mandarin nieh. tajuk 'ni he wo' (you & I), penyanyi nye si kacak bergaya wang lee hom.
cane jage kulit muke?
huwaa~babe, kulit muke aku trok jer sbnrnyer. ko tgk gambar fesbuk jer. aku pon xtau sbnrnye nak pilih cuci muka. xtau mane yg sesuai. yg for sure aku wat, b4 sabun muka, basuh ngan air panas, then after sabun bilas ngan air sejuk. pastuh mlm2 pki bedak sejuk. haha. pasni kalo ader ms aku nk try jgak jage kulit muke leklok. insyaAllah. (tp utk muka yg berseri n bchy, bak kata org bykkan amik wudhuk kan... wuu~jom praktik sama2)
(nih soklan maut member aku)
ko pnyer penyakit nih akan baik ker, ataupon sampai biler2 ko xkan pulih dah??
huhu. cdeyh giler soklan hang. insyaAllah makin pulih n akan pulih kot.
(member2 laki suke btol tnye soklan nieh)
apsal ko skrg pki mekap??
huhu. saje jer lah. suke2 n isi ms lapang. serta menggumbirakan hati.
(soklan sering ditanya)
apsal ko nieh bulat aa??
eyy, suke ati aku lah. bulat itu menawan kay!!wakakaka
haha, soklan2 random pon aku nak mskkan jugak.
okes, think dats enuff for now, chiow~
da abes 1 paper.
and seperti selalu, kejadian nieh pasti terjadi dkt aku.
lg 30min nak exam...
dlm ati tetibe terdetik,
" eyh, ntah2 ni masuk xm...."
" tp tgk soklan past years xder plak kuar soklan mcm nieh @ lbeyh kurg cmnieh... "
" hurm, nak bace ker ek... "
" tp rase xmasuk kot soklan bentuk cmnieh, sensei pon xder tknkan sgt "
akhirnya, aku xbace part tuh, n juz pandang sekilas dua jer pada graf2 n litar2 nyer.
time xm,
" huwaaaa~ masuk sebijik topic yg aku tgerak nak bace td tp x bace tuh!!"
slalu cmnieh, aper2 yg aku tgerak nak bc b4 xm, aku slalu end up x bace!!
i should start trusting my instinct more!!
lusa stat xm!!
denkikairou- electric circuit.
siyes berdebar giler. xpnah berdebar mcm nieh. siyes beb.
tawakkal n doa kpd Allah hrp2 dpt jwb dgn tenang n diterangkan ati, amin.
saya nieh antu nestum.
td nestum da abes, da mcm waaa~ dou shiyou2. mane nak carik nestum kat nihon nieh?!
then korek2 stor jmpak nestum!! yatta!!
sebbek ada nestum. my febret food tuh.
kalo xder nestum rase cam resah gelisah jer. huhu.
GUD LUCK AISHA, STUDY2!! YOU CAN DO IT!! *cheer tuk diri sndri skett*
here again to 'bayar hutang' tag mengetag nieh.
dis time i hv to write 10 things about myself dat people dunno.
hukhuk. i think most of my close fwens oredi noe lah about all dis stuff.
nothing pelik kot. so, i juz write wat come across my mind at dis moment k.
1) my fullname is Nur Aisha binti Abd Kadir. AISHA k, not Aisya, Aisyah, or Aishah watsoever.
2) my left eye is smaller than the right eye.
3) very family n homely type of person. luv spending more time at home wif my family than hanging out wif fwens. (but sometimes mestila mau hangout wif fwens jgak kan)
4) luv cats sooo much. prefer calling my cats kat umah tuh as my adik, not my pet. also, luv cats smpai slalu bli roti n tuna for stray cats dkt univ @ dkt2 kaw rumah.
5) soccer fan. yerp, i watch soccer. my fave team of all time of coz lah the Red Devils, Man Utd.
6) slalu anggap brg2 n mende2 sekeliling sbg menda hidup. so, dun freak out if u see me langgar meja ker aper ker i'll say sorry n urut2 dat meja takut die sakit. hoho. also because of dis menda idop stuff, i cannot see things dat r left alone without partner. for example, jln2 dkt supermarket, nampak kotak susu nieh tggal satu jer, i'll take another susu kotak n put it beside dis susu kotak, so dat the kotak is not alone. if not, i'll feel bad n sad. hohoho
7) luv listening to mandarin songs. radio kegemaran dulu ialah stesen radio cina. =)
8) hv very bad habits, yakni jalan seret kaki. bak kate member2, sebatu lagi dah bleyh dengar i'm coming. another one is suka gigit tisu. unintendedly lah of cos.huhu. xpasan pon until member tego.
9) ader prob wif my self-confidence. i'm sooo lack of self-confidence. yerp, mmg ader mslh merendah diri yg teramat sgt. maybe ramai x notice, but yeah, i am. if i were to rate my self-confidence, i'll say 0 as in ZERO.
10) org Selangor. many might get confused since i often introduced myself as org Selangoqq instead of Selangorr n mistaken me as org Utara. hehe. dah terbese lah, kat umah ckp utara... nak wat cana.
okies, mine's done. now nak tag saper yer.
norq, aleng, udda, syida, kak aisyah, pakwan, yana, dart, n you!! yes, YOU!!
rajin2 wat lah yer. sgt dialu2kan. ngee.
here's a video clip of SIGNATURE.
they're discovered from da reality show, Britain's Got Talent. yeah, it's da British version of America's Got Talent.
Signature is formed by 2 members, Suleiman & Madhu Singh.
This duo always surprises their audiences with their talents n creativity.
da vid i'm posting is way back then when they 1st auditioned, where nobody know about the other half of dis group (Madhu Singh).
They thought the one's auditioning was Suleiman alone.
juz see da look on the judges faces when the other half appeared in a weird way.
juz watch dis vid, u're gonna luv it, trust me!! (well, at least i do!!) lol.
here r the names of my bakal kohai:
huhu, yeah only 2 kohai. and both of them r (obviously) boys.
every year i wish ader kohai onna(girls) masuk sini.
so dat i can be a kakak to them.
maybe becoz i'm anak bongsu, so sometimes i luv being kakak to my juniors like when i was in secondary school.
here in japan, people around me always take care of me, in a sempai-kohai/kakak-adik way.
juz think dat if i might hv a kohai onna, i can do da same.
but wat to do...
well, on da bright side, at least ader kohai. =)
wuuu~ rs cam nak shopping baju...
cam lame jer x bli bj baru nieh...
pastuh rs cam nak bli bj yg len sket...
xtau lah len tuh camana...
len drpd apa yg dah ada byk kat dlm almari tuh kot...
nak la ubah2 style jugak...
slalunyer girlish jer memanjang...
tp nak wat cana, mata dok berkenan yg jenis2 cmtuh jugak...
wuuu~ nak pi shopping...
tp xmo kua duit... =P
kan best kalo tetibe menang kupon membeli belah tanpa limit...
alangkah bhgianya~
dah byk kali kena tagged, tp 1 pon xpnah jwb, sbb kene pikir.
kali nieh pnye sbb senang pnye pasal n bleyh menambah post dlm blog, dgn rela hatinye i jawab!! =)
dis one's 4rm lyana a.k.a norq on WEDDING.
wahh~ wedding gitu. so here it goes.
1. How old are you?
--> 22 thn 9 bln
2. Are you single?
--> single but not available. ;)
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
--> hurm, susahnye... bkn ms tdekat, maybe plg cpt pon 25/26 kot.
4. Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
--> i pray n hope so, insyaAllah.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
--> no idea.
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
--> hv someone in my mind, but mana bleyh spill. depend on time n situation nnti kot.
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
--> luv both garden n traditional. dunno which one to choose. i want both!!
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
--> wohohoho. siyes xtau n xpnah pk.
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
--> wohohoho. xtau lah jumlah nye precisely. juz, i want all the important persons in my life to attend. so, of coz i'll invite all my family n fwens!! =)
10.Will that include your exes?
--> hurm... kdg2 dok terpk gak. wouldnt it be weird if u invite everyone in ur batch, but excluding dis one particular person?? on da other hand, invite pon ok jer kot. so, we'll see.
11.How many layers of cake do you want?
--> amboi, xpikiaq la plak. mana2 cantiklah, kan senang. tp xmaulah besaq2 sgt, overshadow pengantin plak kang!!hehe.
12.When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
--> nikah malam, juz like my sis'.
13.Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
--> hurm... jay chou's?? haha. kang pening plak guest. well, among my favourites r ' i'll be ' and ' could not ask for more' by edwin mccain.
14.Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
--> juz normal spoon n fork.
15.Champagne or red wine?
--> uihhhh, haram nih, xbleyh2!! nak ayaq sirap+biji selasih n ayaq oren pak mat(jiran dkt umah) ja!!
16.Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
--> huhu... days after wedding kot. mestilah nak tolong2 kemaih2 umah dulu. (yer2, saya mau wedding di rumah not dewan watsoever)
17.Money or household items?
--> easy one lah. of coz lah both beb!! =P
18.How many kids would you like to have?
--> 4!! ekekeke
19.Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
--> i would love to!! hee~
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
syida jubri
amzar =P
and sape2 jer yg rajin, k??
kalo rajin sila lah yer. hee~
juz got back from the clinic.
went to da clinic sbb... aiyo... malu nak ckp.
but kesimpulannye, sbb niehlah i makin2 btmbah x sehat lately ni.
finally, i noe da reason why my demam is xbaek2.
so, Alhamdulillah, sbb getting better.
dlm bbrp hari nieh wpon i got frustrated n merungut wif my health level, then worried dat i couldnt perform time xm nnti, but Pakwan kept reminding me, " kalo sakit, ckp Alhamdulillah, sbb biler saket nieh dosa2 kecil kita Allah ampunkan, insyaAllah".
betollah... my bad... Alhamdulillah.
papepon, yg penting ialah usaha, kan??
ok, bebalik kpd topic klinik nih, pelik lah awat klinik2 jepon akan tutup 4rm 12-3/12-4pm. lamer giler rehat k? then mlm mmg ttp plak. kne pegi klinik khas iaitu klinik yg utk tgh mlm shj.
siyesly dl ms i pengsan kat lab, my seniors intan n yus, kelam kabut ponteng klas bwk i pi klinik2 tdkt, tp sume tutup. wth?? sbb time tuh pkoi 2pm lbeyh. so, pergilah hospital besar(=hosp kerajaan), dorg bwk i pegi bhgian emergency, tp bhgian emergency pon tgh berehat n akan bkak balik pkol 4++. uihhh. aper kes nieh?? kater emergency?? siyes xpaham.
jd kalo saper2 saket tghari time kol 12-4 tuh mcmane yer...??
p/s: xm mode. yoshh!!
yerp dis morning ader earthquake. tkejut jgak sbb da jage tp dok guling2 lagi, so ala2 mamai2lah. then tetibe cam gegar2. kejap jer lah tp. xkuat sgt. tp terasa jgakla.
after da earthquake, i got another shock. gladly it was a shockingly-happy surprise. like x bajet giler!!
juz got a beautiful suprise last Saturday.
then today, another one?!
this is a surprise i received on last Saturday- a big, beautiful bouquet of roses. i really luv roses. everything 4rm my shampoo to my perfume to my softener to everything scented r all rose-based. so i was super duper happy when i got the roses. thank you, u!!
then today, when da pakcik kuroneko knocked on my door, i didnt feel any weird since i was expecting the new zealand chocolate dat i asked Pakwan to order for me.
as i was excitedly unwrapped da box, peliklah jugak apesal coklat nieh mcm not-so-kedai-style wrapped. bukak2 kotak i saw the '120GB' written on da top of the box.
huwaaa~ bukak wrapper abes2, then menjerit2 tkejut giler coz Pakwan actually gave me these!!yela... mmg iPod classic nieh da lame, n rata2 ramai dah pki n xpeduli sgt dah, tp i've been craving to buy dis iPod lame dah. since AAJ lagi. i told Pakwan da thought of buying dis iPod after coming back from msia dis April. xsangka la plak...wuuu~ tsebak la jgak sbb tharu giler...
oh yeah, and i really like da very sweet card!! =)
Thank you yer Pakwan, tkejut giler, n happy sgt2. ckp2 spending money utk i, after dis if u wanna make any suprise a 100yen meiji chocolate would do juz fine to make me more than happy.(note: ayat2 manis jer nieh) =p
(aisha, pasni ko dpt meiji coklat jgn tkejut plak)hehe
i never really introduce Pakwan properly in dis blog, think nanti i'm gonna write an entry specially dedicated to him in return. =)
i'm feeling better now. not fully recover yet.
biler mlm dtg blk la dmm tuh.
nway, malas nak layan, asalkan boleyh study pon dah Alhamdulillah.
okay, nway, dis entry is about me. yes, me!!
haha. got dis video clip form a friend (thanx yana for introducing it to me!!).
siyes, sedap giler lagu nieh.
plus, a BIG PLUS, the guy singing dis song is very2 da macho kay??
wats more, da lyrics r very2 wonderfullllll!! 5 stars from me!!
lyrics nyer begitu honest skali, and very da truth k. hihi =P
i was like so blushing when i 1st heard dis song, it's like he's singing it to me.
haa, y do i prasan he's singing da song to me...??
haa, tuh u all kena lah dengar sendri. =)
thought of including da lyrics here.
tp, seganlah i. haha.
(prasan, again)
sila lah dengar k?? rugi gler klo x dengar!! hehe
aku riso giler...
demam makin trok...
dah 3 ari lbey da...
asek muntah2...
makan pon xlalu...
berat pon da susut bbrp kilo sbb ilang air...
td wanie bwk g bli ubat yg kuat sket...
besok x reda gak, byouin iku (gi hosp)...
sempai ckp tkt influenza jer...
aku harap takla...
yg aku sgt2 risau aku kne study...
sepjg demam x dpt study lgsung...
aku dah cuba gagahkn diri nak study...
tp xmampu...
pening, duduk n berdiri pon xbpe lrt...
baring jer...
makan ubat pastuh tertido...
sgt sedeyh n sgt riso...
xm kali nieh amatla penting dlm idop aku...
tlgla cpt sembuh...
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...
berilah kekuatan kepada hamba-Mu ini...
semlm got to spend a lil time wif the super creative, bubbly, n gorgeous Sanbongi Girls.
(haa... nieh dah puji2 n promote2, phm2 lah yer. a blueberry cheesecake GURAI would do!! haha =P)
they went photo-snapping dkt celah2 sawah, celah2 lalang, n lumpur2 to get vintage feel.
and hasilnyer... mmg superb!!
thumb up to u guyss!!
antara hasil2 mereka... taraa-->
doing activities ms date mmgla best, but sometimes a simple date wihtout plans juz brings to an 'almost' perfect day.
why 'almost'?? of coz lah ader twist sket biler kami kene 'pow' dgn pakcik homeless.
well, cant be dat perfect rite...??
however, on every date picture snapping is a MUST. hehe
it was a very relaxing day, a date wihtout any plans, bought one day subway tickets, then juz nek jer subway train n turun dkt mane2 stop yg rs nak turun. haha.
i tgh edit2 blog nieh, nak tuka 'feel' sket. ok x?? heee~
pastuh sbb tgk posts' space for this time nyer layout lbeyh 'slim', rs pening plak tgk post sblm nieh jd cam panjannngggg sgt,
pastuh rs cam kalo dibhg 2 pon cam relevan jer...
jd i decided to re-post da 2nd half part of previous entry.
so, here's the 'new' old post. haha
okey, menyambung kesah pbincgn kami ms girls day tuh....
(topik nieh bleyh dirujuk di blog yana jgak.)
Al-kisahnye, kak uya citer aderlah boys toyo yg meng'condemn' dak2 pompuan toyohashi yg ske bermekap nieh...
so masalah dorg ialah...
hi again.
feeling happy today coz dah ala2 bek demam, then td br lepak2 wif da gurls kat kappa sushi.
i always feel gud after lepak-ing wif da gurls.
orite, nak citer2 sket about my last weekend.
saturday, spent da whole day, from tghari smpaila tgh mlm wif da gurls.
for lunch, makan ns+kari ayam+rendang ayam+sayur pecal.
disebabkan i bgn pg n mood cam rajin giler, sempatla wat kuih cara gula n malacca ball (yes, buah melaka). haha.then ktorg karaoke... head to uya's...
then smbg plak makan nasi n choc muffins. yeahhh, kenyang babe!!
part plg best of cos lah bab gossip.
then terbuka plak satu topic hangat nieh.
utk menyambung hujah yana di dlm blognye, kejap lagi i smbg k.sunday, went out wif mr Safwan.
wpon dah berazam tggi xmau spend duit utk aper2 kecuali tambang train n makan jer, 'ter'bli jgak satu perfume nieh, cost me ¥12000 (dlm rm450++), adeih dahle mahal...
on the brighter side, baunye mmg kene giler aa dgn i yg mmg suker bau2 floral.
padahal b4 bli tuh mr Safwan dah blikan dah perfume paul smith (rose) kat i.
adeihhh... nak wat cana, baunye mmg menawan hati ku... siyes.
i nieh jenis yg kalo dah suke gile on da spot tuh, mmg cnfirm nak jugak mende tuh.
kalo x bli sure dok tringat2, menghantui jiwa siang dan malam. haha.
sblm nieh dok target marc jacobs, daisy, tp ala2 teragak2.
hurm, kalo teragak2 tuh, mmg undecided btollah.
nak kate suke sgt pon x, x suke pon tak jgak. tgh2.
but for dis perfume, xder 2nd thought dah. mmg confirm trus!!heee~
kesimpulannye eventhough it cost me dat much, i'm really satisfied!! =)
(siyes aku kne berjimat2 pkai perfume nieh, at least hrp2 leyh aa thn sethn)
so, inilah dia, presenting...(drum roll)
hi blog ku, long time no write. hehe. demam dah kebah sket, still xder mood nak tulis pjg2 lg. mlm sket ker, besok ker, lusa ker... huuu~
nway, tried this IQ-test, got da link from lyana's blog.
best2, utk org2 mcm i yg dah lamer x test IQ, terasa lah jgak ke'slow'an diri ini.
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