haha~luv them

Written by Atishoo86 2 comments Posted in:

here's a video clip of SIGNATURE.
they're discovered from da reality show, Britain's Got Talent. yeah, it's da British version of America's Got Talent.
Signature is formed by 2 members, Suleiman & Madhu Singh.
This duo always surprises their audiences with their talents n creativity.
da vid i'm posting is way back then when they 1st auditioned, where nobody know about the other half of dis group (Madhu Singh).
They thought the one's auditioning was Suleiman alone.
juz see da look on the judges faces when the other half appeared in a weird way.
juz watch dis vid, u're gonna luv it, trust me!! (well, at least i do!!) lol.

i personally think Suleiman's impersonation of MJ is one of da great ones,
and Madhu Singh is definitely the icing on da cake!! =D

p/s: Suleiman is a trainee lawyer, k?? how do u find a lawyer who's at night turns into a Michael Jackson, sexy or freaky??


  1. *aIsYaH*

    Aisha we have the same minat...hihi chinese songs..Jay chou is a great singer right.

    February 23, 2009 at 11:58 PM
  2. Atishoo86

    wahhhhh!! yeker!! igtkan name jer dkt2, x sgka kak aisyah minat jgak!! hee~ best kan2!! jay chou's great!! luv his music!! n luv him!! bile men piano... aiyakkk very sexy maa~

    February 24, 2009 at 12:25 AM

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