juz got back from clinic, suhu agak tinggi 37.8.
but thank God not h1n1 okey.
doc said my nadi laju bebenor (pandai ckp melayu doc nieh).
mmg pon smpai x leyh lena sbb dok dup dap dup dap ja jantung.
tp okey kot... br pas mkn ubat, n tggu ms nak lelap jer nieh. ngee~
aku dmm sgt trok dr smlm...
mmg xlrt mgkit...
aku hrpkan bila kita ikhlas bbuat baik dgn org, org akan kenang kita dan akan do the same.
aku igt bila kita ikhlas caring dgn org, org akan hargainya.
bila org saket, aku mmg kesian sbb aku tau mcmana susah rs saket bila xda org tolong.
bila aku saket.....?
kdg2 aku menyesal bbuat baik n caring kat org.
alangkah baiknya kalo hati aku keras mcm batu.
aku sgt cdeyh skrg...
cdeyh dgn kata2 seseorg yg aku agak amik brt mcm adik...
bila time saket mcmnie... sgt rindu intan, wanie, n yus. besar jasa mereka menjaga aku tiap kali saket dulu...
-writing thru iphone... xlrt bgn... tp nak tulis sbb tlampau hurt sgt skrg nieh, xtau nak luah kat mana...
on study
tup tap tup tap lbeyh kurg dua minggu nak final exam.
siyes kah??
huwaaa~ apa yg aku blaja slama nieh?
mcm xigt apa2 pon.
cuak lah niehhh.
it's the time of the month...
the time where my mood tunggang terbalik n sensitif nak mampos.
yeah, typical women's enemy: PMS
lately, i'm missing my girlfriends soo badly.
i wanna call them, but knowing they hv their own activities, i juz follow em up thru facebook@blog.
as long as i know they're happy, i'm fine.
i wanna call them but i felt 'heavy'.
dunno y, i feel sad n very homesick talking to em.
to ignore dis homesick feeling, i dun call em. i juz send sms and all.
trust me, it's not the best time to be homesick rite now, sbb i hv a lot to focus on at the moment.
i hv exams every week, i hv tons of reports yg sensei x habes2 panggil utk sesi soal jawab, tons of homeworks.
Gosh, how i hate 2nd semester.
2nd semester resulted me as a very bad daughter, gf, and friend.
i seldom call home like i used to, i seldom talk to my bf on the phone, i seldom spend time to call my friend.
one of my bestfriend got hurt from an accident, wish i cud pay her a visit, but...?
mimi ajak sleepover umah dier masa taikai gifu, but...?
havent seen norq for a while, sdgkan last year slalu jln2 dgn dier. wanna go lepak-ing n share story wif her, but...?
din called me a few times when i'm in the middle of jugyo(klas), but have i called him back...? NO. i juz texted him.
"oooh yes your honor, i'm guilty as charged."
i feel bad when they call me, but in the middle of tgh rancak berborak i hv to say, "sorry, got to go to the library, etc".
balik rumah dah pkol 7, makan solat mandi, tup2 pkol 9, then wat keje smpai pg. tdo pon ntah ke mane dah. huhu.
i'm sorry u guys, i promise i'm gonna make it up to u after i'm finished battling wif this semester's hectic-ness.
(ooh, forgive my bad english. i'm a malay after all. haha)
oh yeah, i'm also hating dis semester because my health doesnt do justice to me.
always hv dis chest pain a.k.a sign of STRESS.
p/s: how i wish everyone lives near me so i can meet them easily.
p/s/s: i'm so selfish dat i hope everyone cud come to toyohashi. (igt org len xder keje ker!!) huhu
p/s/s/s:looking forward to dis aki yasumi, hopefully i can at least see norq, mimi, n cha...
dis week's summary.
safwan dtg, nak celebrate besday dia.
pttnya besday dia saya la kne pegy sane, tp apakan daya sy bz teramat.
safwan dtg pon dia dok melangut ja wat keja sndri sbb saya kne dok pi ulang alik jmpa sensei n siapkan report.
ampun ya pak!!
xwat apa spesel pon tuk en safwan nieh... hadiah 'dibawa ke hdpn' ok? hehe.
nway, teman pakwan sopping sakan, then tetibe saya pon dpt hadiah, katanye sempene besday dier.
aikkk?? 逆じゃん? hehe. tenkiu btw!!
wiken nieh pon agak packed gakla.
kelam kabut wat report ➨jmpak sensei2 ➨celeb besday pakwan ➨check brake kete ➨tukar tyre kete.
phewww~ penat pon penat, duit pon melayang2~ wuhuuu~
oh yer, kami sempat pegy jalan2 cari makan ke hamamatsu.
pegila mosaiculture yg diheboh2kan itu. tp sbb hujan xbpe masyuk lah. hoho
pegi pon sbb nak tgk jln ke sana, sbb nnti kalo mimi ngan norq jadi dtg toyohashi, saya mau bawa mereka ke sana... =)
so, here r the pics.
(agak malas updet blog saikin, so amik ko, nk letak gambaq byk2 bg berseri sket) haha
huhu~ saikin (lately) ada plak menda2 tjd.
yabai desune... huhu...
xper encik boyfie, dun wori k. haha
tp kdg2 bengang jgak dgn org2 yg kdg2 xpaham dgn apa yg kiter kata.
xpaham or saja2 wat xpaham?!
lantak hampa lah.....
eventhough i'm super busy preparing for tomorrow's test n reports, it would be wrong not to take a minute to write dis.
juz wanna wish my dearest mr. boipren, Safwan:
As i've been complaining in my previous posts, i'm having skin problem.
problem apa lagi... muka berjerawat yg xmau hilang2 tuhlah...
so i ordered the Proactiv dats well known for its acne treatment.
my sis n my fwens tried it before, and it totally worked well on their skin.
as for me, a week after trying the proactiv, the acne lighten a bit, but i hv redness on my cheek, mcm sunburn.
i tot mmg sunburn, sbb ms pakai proactiv tuh xderlah rs pedih2 or anything, rs soft jer.
sbb risau, i looked up for this prob in the proctiv homepage.
If you experience redness when you first use Proactiv Solution, you may be sensitive to benzoyl peroxide. If this happens, stop using the system for two days. When your skin begins to improve, resume using the Renewing Cleanser and Revitalizing Toner daily. To slowly build a tolerance for benzoyl peroxide, use the Repairing Lotion twice a week at night. Gradually increase nightly usage of the Repairing Lotion, as tolerated. If redness persists, stop using the product and consult your doctor.
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰for dat, i decided to stop using proactiv for a while. then my sis ckp dier dulu pon pakai 2 hari skali dulu, sbb xnak kulit 'terkejut'.
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From Y! Buzz:
And you thought rainbows were cool. A few days ago, a mysterious cloud shaped like a halo appeared over Moscow, and the buzz has yet to break.
We're the first to admit that a photograph of the heavenly cloud appears to be photoshopped. It's just so...perfect. But meterologists have spoken up and said the cloud wasn't digitally altered. However, it wasn't exactly what it appeared to be, either.
When the cloud initially formed, some UFO enthusiasts declared it to be a "true mystery." Some even compared it to the giant spaceship hovering over Earth in the movie "Independence Day." Reality quickly dashed any predictions of an alien invasion. An article from the Daily Mail explains that the "luminous ring-shaped cloud" was simply an optical effect.
An official spokesperson for Moscow's weather department said, "Several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west — this is how the effect was produced."
The cloud loomed last week, but the searches are still soaring. Lookups on "halo cloud" and "moscow cloud" are both booming, and a video clip has garnered hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.
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got these 2 today...
Alhamdulillah... never in my dream i tot i'll be getting my nihon driving license masa my 1st test.
because strict yg melampau n history shows kebykan smpai 6,7 kali amik test br lepas kot.
so, i went there (the driving test centre) today wif 0% of confidence, juz thinking, xper, amik pengalaman jer.
kalo ader rezeki, lepas, syukurlah. xlepas, cuba lg nanti.
tgk2 dgn izinNya, Alhamdulillah lepas.
mmg lucky n naseb sgt.
got myself new toys.
it's the kanebo lavshuca's rouge star classic lipsticks.
ok, if u're wondering wat's with the casings?
these r actually the testers dat havent been used.
it's my personal idea to try to own many make-ups for lower prices.
so, here's my tips for org2 'sengkek' like me, but hv big desire to collect make-ups.
search for 'testers' in the auction or the internet.
u'll find certain sellers dat sell unused testers.
(or the used ones if u dun mind. tp, lack of hygiene lah kot... huhu~)
biasanya diorg akan sell the testers dlm jumlah yg banyak.
for example, mcm eyeshadow, they'll sell in 10,11, etc colors. bukan 1,2.
if yg mahal mcm bobbi brown, maquillage, or nars ker br dorg jual satu2...
so, for dat u'll be able to add more colors to ur make-ups collections!!
apa yg untungnya...??
for example, da normal price for dis kanebo lavshuca's rouge star lipstick is ¥1575 = RM60 (ikot currency skrg).
but i bought all these 11 colors for only ¥2000 = RM77!!
(wpon casingnya burok kan, aku pedulik aper... hoho)
suka gila tgk minah nieh.
lawa gila plus manis ja muka dia, sbb ada lesung pipit kot.
susah nak tgk omputih muka manis, kbykannya muka sombong ja.
namanya cheryl cole.
1st heard of her as the wife of ashley cole (pemain chelsea).
rupa2nya dia ahli girls aloud... (xpasan pon).
and now she's one of the judges utk rncgn x-factor.
mekap mata dia pon lawaaa + style2 dia mmg mantap!!
p/s: suka betol tgk pompuan2 bkerjaya + cantik + bergaya.
statement of the day: i'm not gay. hoho
di sini saya nak terbitkan persamaan a.k.a formula baru utk diri saya:
➨ pengeluaran wang berkadar langsung dgn tahap stress.
➨ pertumbuhan jerawat berkadar langsung dgn tahap stress.
➨ kenaikan berat badan berkadar langsung dgn tahap stress.
➨ kekemasan rumah berkadar songsang tahap stress.
perlu ker nak lukis graf?? hoho.
byk gila pakai duit, ok??
rasa bersalah... sebak... kandou (terharu) suma ada...
mintak maaf yer sebab xdpt spend byk masa with u...
perjln utk pergi balik ke toyohashi nieh lg lama berbanding masa dat i spent with u.
u spent more time on the road than jmpa i.
been so busy semenjak naek 3rd year, especially 2 gakki nieh, dat u decided to come here, jmpa2 makan kejap, then trus balik mie on the same day sbb xmau ganggu ms blajar i.
sorry sgt2...
noe u must be so exhausted driving those long hours without resting. sob3...
wish i could spent more time wif u.
glad u understand n slalu drive dtg cnie wpon utk mkn sama2 jer.
gomenne..... (T__T)
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Mohamad Shuhaimi Md. Ilias (kiri) bersama beberapa jiran melihat sejadah yang 'berdiri' di rumahnya di Taman Haji Mohd. Amin, Permatang Pauh, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, semalam. |
Kejadian aneh itu berlaku kira-kira pukul 9.45 malam, tidak lama selepas Mohamad Shuhaimi Md. Ilias, 26, dan isterinya, Zainab Ramli, 26, berbincang mengenai kedudukan sebenar kiblat rumah mereka berbanding di masjid berhampiran.
Sebelum kejadian, Zainab sempat menghamparkan sejadah tersebut untuk menunjukkan arah kiblat yang biasa digunakannya tetapi Mohamad Shuhaimi menyifatkan kedudukan itu tidak begitu tepat.
Menurut Mohamad Shuhaimi, selepas berbincang dalam bilik berkenaan, dia pergi ke ruang tamu sebelum memandikan anak perempuannya manakala Zainab pula pergi menggosok pakaian.
''Tidak lama kemudian, Zainab tiba-tiba meluru kepada saya dalam keadaan muka pucat dan terkejut sebelum memberitahu sejadah yang dihamparkan tadi sudah tegak seperti orang sedang solat antara dua sujud," katanya ketika ditemui di rumahnya hari ini.
Mohamad Shuhaimi berkata, dia mengucap berkali-kali apabila melihat sendiri keadaan sejadah tersebut yang menyerupai seorang wanita bersolat.
Melihat peristiwa aneh itu, Mohamad Shuhaimi menghubungi keluarga terdekat dan jiran-jiran yang kemudian datang menyaksikan sendiri kejadian tersebut.
''Ada beberapa jiran yang datang dengan kompas untuk membuat ukuran dan mengakui bahawa kedudukan sejadah itu tepat menghala ke arah kiblat," katanya.
Mohamad Shuhaimi yang bekerja sebagai penghantar surat memberitahu, sejadah tersebut yang sudah sedikit lusuh, merupakan hantaran perkahwinan isterinya ketika mereka mendirikan rumah tangga empat tahun lalu.
Katanya, berita mengenai kejadian itu tersebar begitu cepat sehingga ada orang awam dari merata tempat termasuk Kuala Lumpur yang sanggup datang untuk menyaksikannya.
''Bagaimanapun kira-kira pukul 2.30 petang tadi, saya secara perlahan-lahan melipat sejadah tersebut atas nasihat dua pegawai daripada Jabatan Agama Islam negeri yang datang ke rumah kami," katanya.
Katanya, ia bagi mengelak daripada berlaku perkara khurafat yang boleh menyesatkan akidah umat Islam.
Mohamad Shuhaimi berkata, dia dan isteri percaya ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian itu dan menganggapnya sebagai tanda kekuasaan Allah SWT.
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