wat am i?? wats wrong wif me?? am i a psycho-math?
haha. sbnrnya i dun even noe wat psycho-math is? wats the meaning or does it even exist?? saje je sbb bunyi cam best. if i'm not mistaken psycho-math is someone dat do a lot of mathematics. kire mcm giler maths lah... kot. hee~
i'm not really that giler buat kira2 mathematic, cuma i dunno wats wrong wif me, n wats the name of my 'sickness'. (mental sickness??nauzubillah, minx dijauhkan). i'm juz crazy about numbers.
i always think dat everyone has their own psycho side. sometimes i do think i'm a bit gila. hakhak
not gila as in "hoo yeahh i'm gila!!!!" then do all the head banging thingy.
also not gila as in 'memancing ikan dlm baldi' or 'ikat kain pelikat kat bahu then terbang (kononla) kat koridor'--yeah, the type yg kena anto gi tanjung rambutan tuh.
gila i meant was gila as in 'psycho'. (gila-psycho, bukan samer kerrrr??) haha
ok, wateva, u noe wat i mean. (u do, rite??... or not??)
precisely saying, in my inner normal self, i hv dis awkward habits dat make me sometimes think i'm a bit psycho.
(HABIT la kot.. not psycho)
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okay, y dun u judge...kiter continue...
example 1:
" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --->19 "
what the chicken wif the '19'??
'19' is the number of the exclamation marks written there!!
i actually count!! i mean i do count. when i'm reading somebody's blog or comments or facebook notes, whenever they wrote these '!!!!!', '??????', '........', 'grrrrr', 'erkkkk', etc, i'll actually count all those!! --> (errr... it's '5 !', '6 ?', '8 .', '5 r', '4 k')
gila kann?? (here comes the word gila)
it really tortures me whenever dlm satu blog tuh ader byk mende2 cmnieh!!
especially when the font is so small, dat i have to copy them on notepad and make them into bigger fonts, so dat it's easy for me to do the counting!
gilaa kann? (here comes another one)
example 2:
i even count the pages for each book dat i read or use.
as for story book@ text book pages are written there, so no fuss about it, juz add the cover and the page for the context.
utk note book, evethough dah tulis buku tuh ader bpe pages, i still wanna count them!
buku purikura n calendar pon aku kira!!
kadang2 penat n i feel almost gila (again, gila) doing all these things, but i still have to do it, kalo x wat rs insecure n x sdp hati.paranoid?
i'm so crazy about numbers and counting, kalo aku dpt cipta formula mathematic baru xperlah jugak, but...??example 3:
baru2 nieh my sis blikan beg skolah br utk saya, and it has love prints all over the bag.
and surprise2... i pushed myself to count all those love prints.
adeihh~ penat2... byklah menda laen lg aku kira~
sbb tuh kalo baca komik ker, lambat giler nak habes.dis habit started since saya di aaj, um, kalo x slh.
makin lama makin menjadi2.sometimes i told myself "ISHA, IT'S OK NOT TO COUNT ALL THAT!!"--> nada tegas.
but i end up counting jugak.
is there anyone out there having da same prob as i do??
doctors out there, please help me wif my prob!!
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okay, xmasuk bab pegy supermarket lagi. bab nieh safwan mmg dah pakar dah!!
dia pon pening kepala tp mcm dah redha jer dgn perangai saya bila pegy supermarket. kesian dia mesti kdg2 dier rs segan jgak bila gf dier nieh dok susun baju, susun2 susu kotak, sayur, dll kat supermarket tuh!! part time kah...?? BUKAN. kenapakah?? hurm...biler2 nnti saya citer yer...
adik nakalku, natchan p/s: naseb baek aku xpernah tergerak nak kira bulu adik2 saya. (natchan, nemo, salem, dodo)p/s/s: based on my 'experience', ramai suka tulis noktah(.) 3 kali. huhu. kbykan nombor ganjil... huhu
adik siot hahahhahaha.lawak la hg ni aisha!
November 7, 2009 at 12:00 AMoit bengong! adek la tuh. haha.
November 7, 2009 at 12:02 AMmungkin juga namanya emotional insecurity. Tp tak kot..ciri2 emotional insecurity bkn lebih kpd isha. Sila cari nama lain...hehe
November 7, 2009 at 2:07 AMKshima pun penah juga bertabiat mengira characters mcm !&.* etc. Dulu la. Skang ni takda masa lah nk buat kira2 ni. Byk lg keja lain. Well, it runs in the family. Dont wori...lama2 hilanglah. haha.
kite xla kire bape byk !!!!!...tp kalo tulis msg mesti kire..cth mcm nk letak noktah tue mesti kne lebih dr satu..haah kn..xtau pesal...hishh..
November 7, 2009 at 11:29 AM*p/s :nie add blog br kite..blog lame rosak.xle post entry br..tp xdelete..syg nk delete..
*p/s/s :tgk natchan tringat kt shiro..huhu..rindu sgt nk pelok shiro gebu2
Saja nk menyampuk,Saya kwn Zana.suka bc blog ni..tu bkn gila,cuma kita pggl Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD).It becomes a disorder klu mngganggu function kita seharian.Obsessive here means recurrent persistent intrusive thoughts about sumthing.E.g : in akak pnya case,asyik terfikir numbers tu.Compulsive plak means repetitive behaviour in response to the obsession.Sy belajar psikiatri.tp jgn anggap suma penyakit psikiatri tu gila..Bacala DSM criteria utk OCD,pnjg sgt..diagnose sendiri buleh ??? Hope saya dikira membantu la ni ye =)
November 7, 2009 at 12:55 PMhttp://www.biologicalunhappiness.com/DSM-OCD.htm
Thanx..klu x suka comment ni,delete ja.. =)
haha..jgn risau..aku pon ade gak tebiat tu la..i do count seconds blinking kt jam digital..or jarum saat tu tgk cukup tak 60 detik 1minit.haha..lpastu mst kate aku gile..knape nk kire all that?hahah..aku igt aku sorg je ada disorder character ni.(ye ke??)xpe..u r not alone aisha!nnt akan ok.aku prasan ble ade baby dh hilang dh sume tu (maybe dh busy kut).ble ko bukak topic ni mst aku tringt nk kire balik.haha..
November 7, 2009 at 1:12 PM"especially when the font is so small, dat i have to copy them on notepad and make them into bigger fonts, so dat it's easy for me to do the counting! "
November 7, 2009 at 2:28 PMOOOOOOOOOO EMMMMMMMM JIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha,kire,jangan tak kire! ;p
agree with kak nurhfzh!
November 7, 2009 at 4:33 PMI've learned that too.
OCD is the diagnosed.
btw,this condition has its own treatment.Try to consult a doctor.Don't worry,it's just an anxiety disorder.It's not ur fault to have this.It's the chemical imbalance's fault.hehe..blame the chemicals..hahaa...
November 7, 2009 at 7:01 PMkak shima: haha. yaka?? so, it runs in da family la nieh!! no worries then!! ngee~
November 8, 2009 at 12:25 AMsyida: da add dah!! =)) aitu bkak blog syida nak tgk cara lilit tudung, tgk2 dah xder!! wuuu~ =(
cdeyhnya... tringat shiro jgak... betapa comelnyer dier...
hafizoh: tenkiu dear!! dat really helps a lot. been searching pasal my habits nieh lama dah, tp jmper2 pon, sbb search through internet jer pon. nway, akak dah baca website u bagi tuh. tenkiu sgt2 tau!! finally solved dis thing dats bothering me since i cant even remember, and learnt something new at the same time!! =)) *super happy*
November 8, 2009 at 12:28 AMizzaty: thank u to you too dear!! =D
kak wanie: hahaha. yaka?? ada jgak cmtuh noo. awatla dl x pnah timbul hanashi nieh, kalo dak bleyh kongsi psl mende nieh sama2, or better said, bleyh kira mengira sama2, kurg sket beban!! haha
November 8, 2009 at 12:32 AMamzar: it's 10 Os, 8 Ms, 8 Is, 21 !s.
OMG i hate u amzar!! urghhhh!!
hey, y not org2 yg komen seterusnye give their ocd gak.. mcm best je tau org lain punye ocd. then compare 2. hehehe... ;p
November 8, 2009 at 12:44 AMp/s: dont count the dots aisha. just dont. ;p haha
haha... intereating tuh syaza!! wat's urs??
November 8, 2009 at 2:48 AMoooooo~br sedar i've watched an oprah show, the one discussing about dis OCD, they went to dis one special camp for healing. i remember watching dis show n keep thinking thoughout the show that i have dis disorder too.
November 8, 2009 at 2:57 AMader dis one lady yg participated tuh, she had dis 'craziness' of cleaning her house. she wont allow her daughter or any of her family member to play outside since for her kat luar sgt2 tak hygiene, dat she felt x secure.
i also hv dis obsession of arranging my shoes n pillows in order, even if they're well-arranged, i still gonna rearranged them all over again.
so, now i remember!! thank u guys!! =D
yup kak aisha. it can be in many ways.
November 8, 2009 at 3:45 AMperfectionist is usually ade pd org2 yg OCD.
even some use to wash hands repetitively.
kdg2 tu lah, without knowing, ramai je ade this kind of disorder.
whilst I am pyscho with puzzles,complicated materials or items,sudoku(giler betul ngan menatang ni) and ppl say I am physcho becoz I keep playing the same track over and over again until reached 1000 times!
November 8, 2009 at 5:01 PMizzaty: i dun think i'm a perfectionist tho... even ramai said i am, in certain ways kot. darah A kot... hehe
November 10, 2009 at 2:16 PMkak daya: sudoku?? i luv sudoku too!! ngee~1000 times?? dasat gak tuh, agaknya kalo ur mp3 player bleyh ckp, sure dier ckp, "tuka la lagu len plak kak oii"!! haha
wo~ part copy paste balik tu kelihatan sgt2 besungguh-sungguh nak mengira!
November 11, 2009 at 1:05 AMbtw, tgk gak oprah yg pasal pompuan hygine tu! mule2 cam ape la gila pompuan ni. lame2 cam oo disorder rupenye.
tolongla jangan jd cm pompuan tu. sian gile anak2 n suami die. hehe.
tuh aa kan?? aku kne berjaga2 gak nieh, ader ciri2 dah weyh!!
November 12, 2009 at 11:32 PMigt ko x gune dah blog ko tuh, cam dah lame mendiamkan diri. hapdet2!!
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