combination of pics which created a theme:
Yesterday, me n da gurls(noq, mimi, ida, ichi, husna, udda, effa) went to our fwens' wedding.the wed was held at Tmn Tasek was raining heavily yet we were still determined to attend the wedding.even though it was quite a journey (heavy rain, sandal noq putus, susah nak dpt taxi) we finally n 'successfully' arrived in one piece(thank God!)!!haha.wat funny is we actually walked to da wrong part of the Taman at first, where some kind of birthday party was held n the party was, we're kinda confused since it was only 3p.m, but the invitation was until 4pm.besides, normal wedding won't hang balloons around the khemah rite??and yes...we're NOT in the rite occasion.haha.
to rina n razuan, n my sempai Jon: sorry i couldn't make it, but congratulations n again semoga bbhagia ke anak cucu...aminnn. =)
i'm counting da days...and only 12 days left b4 i fly back to Japan... isk... isk... sooo sad... dun get me wrong, i mean studying in Japan...even though it's very difficult...i really enjoy my life there.however, being wif my beloved family n cats in my home sweet home is definitely da best!being far from home is absolutely sucks!sometimes i'd even asked myself why did i choose to study abroad...?but thinking dat not everyone got dis opportunity, n i'm among the lucky ones, i know i shud be thankful n i shud work my butt off to do da best dat i cud!i'll be flyin' back to japan on da 3rd of sept, but da school actually will be started on da 1st.hee...saje nak pose kat msia kejap.huu.nway, wats bothering me is dat wif just thinking about my study life there which is sooo tense n hectic makes me soooooo tension.since my dai (univ) stil follows the old edu system, we hv 3, all i can recall of my past semesters were just exams3x!!wuu~wat to do, i mustn't complaint since every student everywhere faces their own difficulties n hardships in their study life...rite?correct me if i'm wrong.i guess dats how life goes on...goin' thru ups n downs...dat's wat life means rite?off 4 now n here's some pics of me n my beloved family.
supposed to be sleeping rite now...but i cannot sleep,so i surfed da internet searching on interesting facts...and these wat i've found:
it has been 4 days since my last post...thank u to all of u who's commented...i really appreciate it soo much...i never realize how writing a blog n getting such feedbacks CAN really motivates me.thank u all...n i really mean it...i neva felt any better...luv u guys soo much!! not much happened to me these days.hurm...patutnyer rite now da ader kat berjaya times square ronda2 wif pakwan...but last nite got a msg 4rm him sayin dat his mak long passed away.Innalillah.takziah to him. hurm...#blur#...just now i felt like writing but all of sudden i dunno wat to write.haha.okla, can i write about my addiction to make-ups?hmm..yeah, i'm addicted to buying make-ups.being a typical gurl i think.ngeh2.i was planning to go 4 a make-up course by nurol shukor@saper2 dis holiday,but xjd since my sis was super bz!wuu.i dun noe y i'm addicted to these stuffs esp the eyeshadows...maybe becoz i lurveee colours...??yeah...i love the Japan i shared my addiction for make-ups wif my sempai, kak intan.hehe.guess wat's our entertainment while havin' brkfast@lunch@dinner@supper?it's da make-up tutorials kat youtube.haha.after havin those meals we'll search the yahoo auction for wat else??make-up larh.huhu.yabai2.whenever we hv free time, u'll find us in shopping mall trying on all these eyeliners..eyeshadows..mascara...everything lah..
about testers...i'm really grateful there r things such as testers coz whenever we suddenly decide to go bowling or karaoke or rumah saper2 n xsempat nak balik umah to kemas2 worries...there r toners: to freshen up ur skin, moisturizers, foundations, loose powder, lipstick,blah2...and even PERFUMES!!u'll end up PuRrRrFECT!!hee...da ngarut2 da nieh...k la... nieh my mum ajak g mines cr bj raya!! =)
these r some of my make-up 'toolbox' csi lak.huhu
eyeshadow nieh 4rm gak colour it 4rm ebay.kinda cheap.
wish list tuk make-up:more mac's n bobbi brown's n stila's. (hopefully...wuu~)
p/s:sape2 nak order eyeshadow ker, kat auction jepun sgtla murah...mac pon murah gle...kalo nak ckpla yer...i bleyh orderkan.hee~happy to help. =)
juz got back 4rm SABAH!!hee~Sabah BEST!!sooo beautiful, yet the road there r sooo clean!!nothing like i'd imagined.i wanna write all about my journey to sabah, but rite now i'm soo exhausted...jet lagged kot...wakakak...over giler.haha.but one of the best thing happened to me there was da last day at PASAR FILIPINA, where i met MIMI,my beloved buddy!! juz imagine dlm besar2 msia nieh, i got to meet her in Sabah!!hee...
i'm sad...soooo sad...can't say y...but i'm so sad rite now...i was havin' sooo much fun diz evening, yet now i'm's a mixed diz the tears of joy...?or is there sumthin bothering me.i can't tell...sooo confused...='( missin sum1 maybe...?dunno.
i'm gonna share sumthing i've been having for the last 1 n a half years now, a disease called thyroidism.i'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to medical stuffs but i think there r hypo-thyroidism and i'm having is hyper-thyroidism.
DEFINITION: Overproduction of thyroid hormones by an overactive thyroid.
Some of u might ask...wat is thyroid??well, it's located in front of the neck. The thyroid gland produces the hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate. When production of the thyroid hormones increases more than it supposed to, hyperthyroidism occurs. The excessive amount of thyroid hormones in the blood increases the body's metabolism, creating both MENTAL and PHYSICAL symptoms.
SYMPTOMS: weight loss with increased appetite, shortness of breaths and fatigue, intolerance to heat, heart palpitations, increased frequency of bowel movements, weak muscles, tremors, anxiety, difficulty sleeping,irregular menstrual cycles. Some might have goiter or bulging eyes.
aiiyaaaa~it's 0332 msia time, but i still couldn't sleep...huwaaa...i hate it when diz happen...cuz i need sleep to be healthy(as in all fresh up to go shopping tomorrow...heee)..still, it's true!!i need to get some sleep coz diz is wat happen when i dun get enuff sleep: oily skin--->acne, unbalanced appetite --->gain weights, and of coz these would contribute to--->LAZINESS meaning lack of desire to perform work which i hate da most!!urghhh~HELP ME!!i've tried counting the stars, the sheep, bla3...but to bad it didnt work 4 meNot a very gud angle though...hee...
n kinda messy...sorry...
diz is the corner part of my livin' room...
i'm gonna go n TRY to get some sleep now...wish me luck!!hee...oyasumi(gudnite)!
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Hi! I dunno y i started diz blog since i'm not into writing at all.heh.So i guess i'm not gonna be an active's juz these days every one of my fwenz owns their own, juz wanna feel wat its like to own one.haha.
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