
lidah lembu

Written by Atishoo86 4 comments Posted in: ,

my kohai ajak makan umah dier, dier nak msk lidah lembu ngan air asam(kot).
warui kedo, tpaksa tolak...
pernah ke korang rs lidah lembu??
rata2 cakap sedappp.
kohai aku ajak gak rs lidah lembu, "dah ptg2, xnampak rupa lidah dah la!!" datte.
tp, aku tringat tgk amazing race season bper ntah, dorg tpaksa mkn lidah lembu sono mama.
the image of it... euwwww... ms dorg ajak mkn ader gakla pasaan nak rs, tp tbygkan image tersebut... oh nooo~
cannot go lah.
gomenne kohai. pasni msk jgn luper ajak 'KAK AISHA' makan lg yer. ekekeke.

was thinking, rugi x kalo x rs lidah lembu...
then i found dis...

"Beef tongue is literally the tounge of a cow . The human consumption of beef tongue dates back to the days of Paleolithic hunters, who preferred the fatty portions of the carcass including tongues, as well as organs, brains, feet, and marrow. Beef tongue is very high in fat, at almost 75% of its calories derived....."

ooo, very high in fat rupe2nye... xperlah, eloklah aku tolak pon, utk aku yg br nak start diet n workout balik nih~


  1. Liyana Safra Zaabar

    lame menyepi,sape ajak aisha makan lidah lembu tu?

    April 20, 2009 at 6:02 PM
  2. Mie Amour

    lidah lembu?uhhhh...takutnya nak rasa..huhuu..

    April 21, 2009 at 11:59 PM
  3. Atishoo86

    yana: bz giler!! wuuu~idea pon xder nak tulis dlm blog nieh. hehehe.

    mimie n amzar: huhu... xtau lah saya... dorg ckp sedap jer... tp... hurmm... xlalu la plak... hohoho

    April 27, 2009 at 2:12 PM

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