it's raining heavily since dis evening.
da heavy rain suddenly swept off my mood to study.
i'm more to like... hmm... sleeping. haha.
it's hard to write a post when u dunt actually hv da subject to write about.
hurm... okla, thinking of these three topics rite now.
so, here it goes...
1. The Supporters
when i'm feeling down. when i face a great challenge. when i didnt get good results, when i almost give up, THEY were always there for me. MY SUPPORTER. THEY r all my family members. their neverending support keeps me strong. they r my strength.
so, last week, when i got so tired studying stuffs dat i dont hv any clue wat was it about, i punggah2 dis one bag full of mags, yeah, the one dat my parents brought from msia aritu.
felt like taking a rest kejap, nak baca inspiring stories dlm readers digest lah kononnye.
then masa punggah tjumpa satu card nieh. it's from my sis.
she gave me dis card wif some RM inside it after i got my monbusho result as to congratulate me. here's wat she wrote:
Isha Dearie,
Congratulations on your result. Your perseverance and hard work finally paid off. But remember this is not the end of the journey. You still have thousands of miles to go... No matter how rough the road is, i always believe you'll succeed.
lately nieh asik tringat n miss moments2 ms zaman skolah menengah n kat aaj, um dulu.
ntahla kenapa...
miss kusess sbb br jer lepas anniv batch ktorg kot.
miss aaj maybe sbb br pas mid sem xm kot, tringat mcmana struggle blaja utk monbusho dulu sbb nak dtg jepun.
sbnrnya ada satu post nieh yg mmg dr dulu lagi saya keep on writing, tp x pnah2 habes... pasal pengalaman dkt kusess. tlampau panjang n xtaulah kenapa xhabes2.
so, kali nieh sy akan selitkan2 moments2 yg saya x dpt lupakan sepanjang berada di Kuala Selangor Science Secondary School dulu.
for the next post i'll write on memories sepanjang di Ambang Asuhan Jepun, UM.
berckp pasal moments and memories nieh pon byk sbnrnya... tp sy akan cuba tulis sependek yg mungkin kot.
ckpla sekadar sy dpt melepaskan rindu saya terhadap masa2 lalu... tp cam panjang jer.
fuhhh... lega sbb dah abes dah xm mid sem tuk subject 電磁気 (elektromagnet). mmgla amat bdebar2 sbb sensei baru, yg mmg kibishi (strict) habes!! siyes bdebar giler.
4 ari lg nak xm pon jantung dah laju sakan dok panic.
smlm study punye study smpai lbeyh kurg kol 0130 cmtuh, saya pon decided lah nak tdo dah, tdo awal bajet nak bgn awal lah.
tp saya nieh mmg agak terkenal di klgn family n rakan2 rapat dgn satu simptom nieh, yakni SIMPTOM NAK EXAM. saya punye simptom nieh, biler nak xm jer, mesti dtg penyakit2 saket prot lah, nak demam lah, pastuh yg mmg xdigemari nieh, xbleyh tdo mlm mase hari exam tuh.
mama dah pesan dah, " jgnla dok gelabah sgt, jgn dok kalut, doa banyak2, tenangkan ati, jgn pikiaq byk sgt... "
tp sukar utk saya buang simptom yg saya alami dari skolah rendah lagi nieh.
adeih~ jd smlm yg kononnye nak tdo kol 0130 last2 smpai 0530++ xdpt2 tdo lg. mcm2 mende dok bmain lam pale nieh.
dgn tdo yg x ckp, bgn2 rasa pale berat gile pegila skolah utk amik xm...
Alhamdulillah... sebbek rs cam bleyh jwb jgaklah. rite after xm, sensei bg jwpn trus, cek2 pon ader la bbrp salah, but still, Alhamdulillah sbb bleyh gak jwb dgn pale berat cmnieh.
berbalik kepada simptom tadi, xtaulah aper name simptom yang sesuai, sbb bukan jer nak xm, tp biler interview, nak dpt result xm, mula lah dtg penyakit2 tersebut.
igt lagi dl, ms nak dpt result spm, nak interview jpa, result monbusho, xleyh tdo n keje saket prot jer!! haha. nervous breakdown kot. apa kata korg sumbgkan idea bernas korg kat saya,
macam mana nak buang simptom nieh, especially terhadap org yg mmg sedia ada kalut+gelabah mcm saya nieh??
ok, abes citer chukan shiken. (mid sem xm)
today, duit skoler dah masuk!! yeahh!!
tp tolak2 cdt card, tolak2 bil, tolak2 duit simpnn sume... tggal bbrp jer utk duit belanja. tp xkesahlah, asal settle sume.
plus nak bayar duit tiket mas yang mahal giler tuh lagi...
oh yer!!
huuu~ nak tulis panjang sbnrnye... tp masa x mengizinkan sbb bz nak xm... nak sgt tulis pjg2, imbas2 kenangan lame. tarikh 25 januari niehla tarikh kami dak batch 9903 mendaftar sebagai students of Kuala Selangor Science Secondary School. disbbkan masa x mengizinkan, saya tulis seringkasnya...
eventhough terikh nieh adalah tarikh 1st intake, dis message goes to all...
to the member of kusess9903, saya rs amat bertuah n bersyukur dpt rakan2 seperti anda semua utk sama2 mengharungi perubahan alam kanak2--remaja--dewasa. thank u to all sbb byk membantu saya time skolah dulu. and i'm glad walaupon dah 10 tahun, we still remain close, keep bonding, and support each other. hope our friendship remains and never can end. even words cant tell how much i luv n miss u guys sooo much!! *hugs*
before this i never thought that it is possible for an African American guy to be the President of US, especially because this is where the blacks used to be the slaves for the whites.
until now i still think dat it was amazing how Obama breaks through the white prejudice.
the new Mr President simply won because of his attitude, which is muchhhh different from the ex US President, George Bush Jr. (luv how the EX sounds.haha)
these days, US is known to the world for something that we all knew wat it is, killing people, war, sanctions, etc.
Obama said he'll change these.
lets juz hope he can really change all these situations, eventhough no doubt it's gonna be challenging for him to be inaugurated in this stage, where the world is experiencing the economic crisis and many other disaster.
all i say best of luck to u, Mr President!!
juz finished watching the barack obama's inauguration speech.
yes, it was indeed a great speech, well said, well done.
for short he gave an eloquent speech.
i'm not good in paying attention to people's speech, especially the speech with this kind of length.
however, i actually listened, and every word dat came out from his mouth gave me goosebumps.
i'm also amazed of the atmosphere, the silence in the crowd when he deliver the speech. it seems dat obama's speech did not only make me listened, he also make the crowd listened. the whole world was listening!!
one of the many parts of his speech:
"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace."
"To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
well said Mr Obama. =)
the atmosphere was 100% different, it's like i'm looking to a new US. the whites cheering on an African American as their new president?? it was weird, yet it was overwhelming to see their support.
juz hope he'll do good, he certainly has a tough responsibility to be the first black President.
and yeah, one more great thing on the inauguration day, saying goodbye to the ex-president. "lets all throw shoes!!" whoaaaa~
iyer... benarlah org slalu ckp penantian tuh satu penyeksaan...
lagi kiter dok menanti lg seksa... nak wat2 mcm xmenanti, mcm tipu diri sendiri plak.
lgpon xbleyh nak berlakon kunun2 xmenanti.... owhhhh... cptla ms berlalu...
b4 dis saya bace blog yana, nampaknye yana n dart pon samer jgak mcm saya... menjadi penunggu setia... penunggu setia aper yer...??
Hope you are well.
This is the payment information of your allowance.
Payday will be on ?????????????
Payment detail as follows:
ESH for February 2009
Bank Remittance Charge
Amount in your account
Best wishes,
Takashi Funahashi
Embassy of Malaysia Tokyo
yer, inilah yg kami nanti2kan, email keramat seperti ini dr funahashi san mngenai tarikh kemasukan
duit scholar utk bulan 2...
tiap2 bulan akan dpt email mcm nieh b4 masuk skoler, tp xdpt email lg mengenai skoler next month...
beselah ujung taun lepas embassy bg skoler utk bln 12 n bln 1 trus sbb ujung tahun.
jadi sbb duit dah diberi awal2 cmtuh, mai time2 tgh bulan 1 cmnie, mula la dah sengkek.
yela arituh dpt selonggok duit, kene plak time ujung thn, musim sejuk plak...byk sale, byk shopping, byk jln2byk pakai letrik n gas, bil pon naekla...
ececece... bil konon.
adeih2... cptlah funahashi san yg kami kasihi...
bilakah tarikh keramat nye?? (tarikh skoler msk ler)
hantar larh email kepada kami2 yg menanti penuh kesabaran nieh...
cptla msk... nak bli tiket balik bln 3, nerai kamera lagi, simpan duit tuk kete lg... mampukah??
"mampu2!!" (menyedapkan ati sendiri)
p/s: nieh tggu 13man msk pon rs terseksa xmsk2... apatah lg org tuh yg tgh tggu duit berhyaku man msk tuh.
dgr citer tiap2 ari pi cek akaun bank. hihi. sabar yer pakwan?? hee~
some thing occured... and it makes me sad...
but i shud stop being sad n just go on wif my revision....
somehow i cant...
tensionnyer... sedeyhnyer...
i hope after i cried a bucket full of tears...
i'll be able to continue my revision...
gonna be a busy week for me until the final exam.
got mid sem xm next week... electromagnetic... which i'm not fond of... isk...iskk... gud luck to me. gonna try my hardest. i noe i can do it!! i just hv to push myself to the max and be more rajin.
i used to be soooo rajin... wonder wat happen to me?? i gave up?? nope2... i'm better than dat!!
yossshhhh!! GAMBARIMASU!!
gud luck jgak to all my fwens yg ader nak xm!! =)
dah lame x jaga makan... diet nieh doesnt mean i'm dieting to lose weight.
juz dieting to get in shape again, kalo lose weight kire cam bonus lah. huhu...
lately i feel like i didnt consume enough veggies n fruits...
very unhealthy...isk...iskkk
bertekad nak start balik makan makanan sihat2 sket starting from tomorrow
and of coz, start working out again.
"untuk mendapatkan otak yang cerdas, memerlukan badan yang sihat dan cergas!!"
wahhh3... dgr2 ramai member2 kusess n aaj yg bakal naik pelamin dis year.
yg plg tdekat is Fahmi n his fiancee, Ainul on da 1st of March 2009.
congrats Fami, tringat ms sekelas ngan ko kat aaj dl... tiap2 ari kne dgr sora ko nyanyi n dok gendang2 meja!! haha
ramai lagi yg bakal menyusul, termasuklah sepupu rapat ku, yakni sepupu kesygnku, AT!!
rs cam xpcy jer sepupu teman sepermainan i dr baby tuh dah nak kawen!!
huwaaa lagi~
mmg ler dier pon da lama tunang, so supposedly xderla surprise mane pon dia nak kawen dah kan...??
but still, wahh... rs cam besar dah dier.(note: dier tue setaun dr i)
wuuu~ dulu dok tarik2 telinga dier, buli2 dier, wuuu... skrg dah nak kawen dah... isk...isk..
his wed is in August. hee~ happy for him n his fiancee, Shita.
i'm sooo looking forward for the preparations, because i luv wedding...soooo much!!
dulu masa k shima's (At's sis) n my sis' weds pnye preparation pon i byk nyebuk2. and of coz lah, shopping is da best part!! =)
to At: isha doakan segala2nya bakal berjln dgn lancar!! heee~p/s: nak pegy ker x sobets kat nagoya mggu depan nieh...?? haii... bimyo2.
p/s/s: didnt join da gurls' nite last nite sbb kene study... but i noe i miss sumthing 4 not joining... i knew it!! i juz knew it!! i miss the hot gossips yana's cake!! mata tsukutte hoshi na, yana chan!!
"Jan 13 (Bernama) -- Today marks the 18th day of Israel's bloody aggression on the Gaza strip, and the genocide continues against the Palestinian people."
"Jan 13--The world mourns the death of 905 Palestinians and pray for the recovery of about 4,100 Palestinians, half of whom are women and children. "
"Jan 16--More than 1,150 Palestinians have been killed and 5,100 wounded since Israel began attacking Gaza with an air blitz on Dec. 27"
"Jan 17--Hospital Al-Quds dibedil"
and the series of the similar headlines go on and on...
seriously i cant even go through the newpapers... it's very heart breaking to see how our brothers n sisters suffer...
the number of deaths is increasing day by day, yet they said it's not about the numbers.
wat number will it reaches till they realize dat too many people hv died...??
dont they know dat they're burning the children??
heartless... how heartless.. and now what... the phosphorus?? which water cannot put out, which could somethimes burn the skin to the bones...
also, the hospital has been damaged on Thursday...
cant they think rationally...?? cant they stop...?? enough is enough. please...
i'm going 23 yrs old dis year. 22 sounds fine, but 23 does make me feel a lil old. 23 sounds soo mature, which i dunt think i am yet. being in dis age makes me think whether i've changed... physically n mentally. physically, do i look different from years before?? mentally, am i mature enough to make a bigger decisions?? for me, the most important thing of being mature is his/her capability of being patient, the ability to control n manage his/her emotions no matter wat situation they're put into. hurm... mentally for me... i dunno. it's hard to judge my own self. a lil patient?? well, maybe.
well, physically, looking back at my old pictures, i dunt think i changed dat much. maybe changed a lil here n there, such as my skin a bit darker when i was in school, all because of playing netball for my school team. i used to wear spectacles but now i'm comfortable in contact lenses. other than dat... hurm... taller?? nahh... dun think so. basically i dunt think i changed at all, physically. but dis is just from my point of view.
however, i think wats different bout me these days is people's 1st impression on me . different than before, all i used to hear about my fwens' 1st impressions on me is dat i'm friendly (a.k.a byk ckp), lemah lembut (read: 1st impression k??), cheerful, etc.(note: 1st impression can be pretty deceiving) but from my recent visit to Gifu, where i get to meet a few people whom i used to noe only from afar... they told me their 1st impression on me, something which i've never heard before.
the story goes like this...
they asked how r their fwens, who moved into toyohashi univ (my univ) dis year getting along here. i said i get along wif da girls fine, but the guys seem a lil afraid of me. they seem to freak out when i greet them at school or anywhere else. not all of them, but most of them. i dunt hv any idea why... their reactions r not like others' towards me (some of them even stuttered). haha. wonder why.
then back to these guys who asked me about their fwens... they dun seem surprised at all. they all agreed dat they thought i was garang at 1st... yes, all dis while they thought i was garang. dats their 1st impression on me until they get to noe me. wow, i'm surprised!!
wahhh, maybe i look more mature@fierce@serious now?? dl nampak lembut n now nampak garang?? (sronok plak) haha. is it da sign of maturity?? is it true i look garang?? hurm...
winter holiday is almost over...
today's supposed to be da last day of our holiday...
fortunately, i dun hv class tomorrow, so i considered my winter holiday isnt over yet. (yay!)
pakwan's coming back to nihon tomorrow. paksa him to drop by at Toyohashi first before going back to Mie. not dat i miss him so bad dat i wanna see him (ego2), it's juz i wanna pow his kfc. muahahahah (evil laugh)
oh yeah, i juz got back from Gifu, visiting my beloved fwens, mimi n dayah. had soo much fun. thank u guys for ur 1st class treats. seriously, kenyang giler. keje makan jerr. go karaoke-ing wif em too. then lepak2, borak2 pasal zaman kat aaj(um) dulu. how i miss those good ol days. mimi still hv the 23rd rpkj book (aper ntah name buku tuh), where everybody got a page to write or sketch about their thoughts on aaj life. natsukashi giler. seriously i miss those days. =(
eyh luper lak sebab aper i letak title for dis entry as 「i'm hungry」... hurm... why aa?? maybe because i'm hungry?? yes2... i'm soo hungry, starving giler. went to cookmart juz now. bumped into my junior, Boby.
Boby: weyh aisha!
Me: oit boby.
Boby: ko sorg ker?
Me: haah ler. bli brg2 dapur. lapa ah.
Boby: lapa ker? aku tgh bli brg utk makan2 mlm nieh.
Me: makan2 per? (bajet dier nak ajak makan skalik aa)
Boby: ktorg nak msk ramai2 makan kat umah ajim (my junior gak). ktorg nak wat yakiniku (grilled meat) bla2.(pjg lagi dier citer). sedaaappp dow. tp ko x dijemput ah. jgn jeles ah.
Me: huh. blah. x jeles pon.
dlm ati aisha: "bdak nieh kang aku sembelih jgak kang. dah ler aku lapo giler nieh. dah tau aku x dijemput, toksahla dok citer detail2 pasal nak msk aper mlm nieh. cet."
begitulah kohai (junior) kesayanganku. haha.
kesimpulannye... i'm hungry and even hungrier to hear my junior talked about grilled meat. urghh... lapar giler nieh. daging xder nak grill. adeh.
p/s: added some new photos to 'MY PHOTOS'-->it's on the top of my blog. silalah tgk yer, eventhough sket je gmbarnye...huhu
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