gonna be a busy week for me until the final exam.
got mid sem xm next week... electromagnetic... which i'm not fond of... isk...iskk... gud luck to me. gonna try my hardest. i noe i can do it!! i just hv to push myself to the max and be more rajin.
i used to be soooo rajin... wonder wat happen to me?? i gave up?? nope2... i'm better than dat!!
yossshhhh!! GAMBARIMASU!!
gud luck jgak to all my fwens yg ader nak xm!! =)
dah lame x jaga makan... diet nieh doesnt mean i'm dieting to lose weight.
juz dieting to get in shape again, kalo lose weight kire cam bonus lah. huhu...
lately i feel like i didnt consume enough veggies n fruits...
very unhealthy...isk...iskkk
bertekad nak start balik makan makanan sihat2 sket starting from tomorrow
and of coz, start working out again.
"untuk mendapatkan otak yang cerdas, memerlukan badan yang sihat dan cergas!!"
wahhh3... dgr2 ramai member2 kusess n aaj yg bakal naik pelamin dis year.
yg plg tdekat is Fahmi n his fiancee, Ainul on da 1st of March 2009.
congrats Fami, tringat ms sekelas ngan ko kat aaj dl... tiap2 ari kne dgr sora ko nyanyi n dok gendang2 meja!! haha
ramai lagi yg bakal menyusul, termasuklah sepupu rapat ku, yakni sepupu kesygnku, AT!!
rs cam xpcy jer sepupu teman sepermainan i dr baby tuh dah nak kawen!!
huwaaa lagi~
mmg ler dier pon da lama tunang, so supposedly xderla surprise mane pon dia nak kawen dah kan...??
but still, wahh... rs cam besar dah dier.(note: dier tue setaun dr i)
wuuu~ dulu dok tarik2 telinga dier, buli2 dier, wuuu... skrg dah nak kawen dah... isk...isk..
his wed is in August. hee~ happy for him n his fiancee, Shita.
i'm sooo looking forward for the preparations, because i luv wedding...soooo much!!
dulu masa k shima's (At's sis) n my sis' weds pnye preparation pon i byk nyebuk2. and of coz lah, shopping is da best part!! =)
to At: isha doakan segala2nya bakal berjln dgn lancar!! heee~p/s: nak pegy ker x sobets kat nagoya mggu depan nieh...?? haii... bimyo2.
p/s/s: didnt join da gurls' nite last nite sbb kene study... but i noe i miss sumthing 4 not joining... i knew it!! i juz knew it!! i miss the hot gossips yana's cake!! mata tsukutte hoshi na, yana chan!!
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yes, u missed gossiping with us.cake? aritu buat pound cake je yg, zaza lagi terror ,suh die
January 19, 2009 at 9:06 PMhee... pound cake pon jadikla... nak request cake from both u n zaza, then ns ayam from dart!! haha. over giler.
January 20, 2009 at 12:30 PMhaha..lawak plak bila aisha imbau balik si fami tu duk berkeroncong dlm klas sambil ketuk ketak ketuk ketak meja tu..tiap2 hari kita kena hadapi (kalu dia dtg klas awal la kan)..hohoho~~
January 21, 2009 at 1:34 AMhaha!! sou2... kalo dia dtg kelas awal n kalo dia x tdoq larh kan?? kalo dia tdoq, senyap kelaih, kalo dgr bnyi meja dok bergendang, dok humming2 lagu tuh tau lah dia dah jaga tuh!! haha
January 21, 2009 at 2:20 AMPost a Comment